Page name: Featured Member [Logged in view] [RSS]
2021-12-26 17:50:53
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The Featured Member is a Main Street Featured in which an outstanding member of Eltown is featured each month.
This feature is maintained by the Featured Member Bosses.

[#Featured Members] | [#Criteria] | [#Untouchable Members] | [#Suggestions]


Current Featured Member:





If you are interested in having your house featured on Main Street, you should keep in mind that there are rules/guidelines that will make your House more appealing for the Featured Member Bosses. Your house will more likely be chosen if you take the following into account:

1) Unique and creative
The house must be unique and creative. This means that they'll feature no horribly long surveys. Also unoriginal content (quotes and lyrics) would be there only to bolster the overall feel of the house. This means that the houses should say something meaningful, rather than random babble. (Unless the babble is particularly entertaining, as occasionally happens.)

2) Readable and organized
While the English on the houses doesn't need to be perfect it should be easy to read. With capital letters and punctuation every once in a while. This means no netspeak! If long, it should be broken up in a way that makes it presentable and easy to read, not just be one huge endless paragraph.

3) Proper display of images
Featured houses generally should not have more than the two allotted pictures in their slots and no overly large pictures in their description. And of course, the contents of the house must follow the Uploading Art Rules

4) Active member
Whoever is featured should be an active member of the community. Either a recognised poster from the forums, someone who has created their own forum, or is a listed member of Wiki pages. Being an active member of the community is highly appreciated!

5) Size
Member should fit reasonably well in a glass museum display jar ;)


Untouchable Members

The Featured Member Bosses are well aware that some Elftowners wish to keep their privacy and wouldn't like their house to be featured on Main Street. If this is the case for you, please contact Featured Member Boss [wicked fae mage] through a private message, or leave a comment on this page. A private note will be added to your house so that it won't be chosen as a Featured Member.

Should you ever decide that you want to be eligible again, please request that the note be removed.



You can leave suggestions for features in the comment-box.
Nominating someone doesn't mean he/she will automatically become a Featured Member:
All houses are subjected to our [#Criteria].

To talk about the Featured Member with other members go to <joinforum:735:join> (Featured Member)


- Featured Member
- Featured Members
- Featured Member Archives
- Featured Member Bosses
- About the Main Street Features
- The Badge Reward System

Username (or number or email):


2005-09-10 [Sunrose]: I don't know if it says anywhere, but we don't feature crew so it is no use nominating =p

2005-09-10 [pixish]: *pouts* can we un-crew her? >:) Well, I could not find it anywhere :P I checked in most places before I asked xD Oh well, we know she is teh awesome anyway :P

2005-09-10 [Zab]: hm...let's make a place for featured crews! ><

2005-09-10 [Sunrose]: [Ihsahn] made featured crew member =p

2005-09-10 [Zab]: Oh! Got to check that!

2005-09-28 [Fizban]: Member should fit reasonably well in a glass museum display jar ;)-----what does this mean exactly??

2005-09-28 [pixish]: It means you have to be very flexible :O

2005-09-28 [Fizban]: ooooh! okay thank you:)

2005-09-28 [Balthizar]: I would like to nominate [Lady Vader] and [riddle_holic]

2005-09-28 [Sunrose]: Ohkidokie :)

2005-09-28 [Balthizar]: Thank you*bows* Lol, I love being formal^^

2005-10-07 [Ihsahn]: *sneaks in a nomination of [Sunrose]* <.<

2005-10-07 [Sunrose]: You know Punk doesn't like these jokes.. :)

2005-10-07 [Ihsahn]: He doesn't? Ok I stop

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: I nominate [Angelic nightmares]!

2005-10-07 [Sunrose]: Don't nominate someone for featured member if you also just reported them for harassment: that is just ridiculous.

2005-10-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: Oh fine... reject another one of my nominations...

2005-10-07 [Sunrose]: Start making good ones and I won't have to.

2005-10-07 [Fizban]: you reported your nominee...or you nominated your reportee,...hehehe thats funny...

2005-10-30 [Gilraen Miriel]: I would like to nominate [Melocrie]

2005-10-30 [FiSHr.]: *looks around*

2005-10-30 [Sunrose]: Okay, thank you for your nomination :)

2005-10-30 [FiSHr.]: ;|

2005-11-07 [Yoruno]: I'd like to nominate [syagre] ^_^

2005-11-07 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2005-11-08 [Yoruno]: Thanks! *hugs*

2005-11-09 [Balthizar]: I would like to Nominate [Disconnect ..-Dots-..]

2005-11-09 [Sunrose]: Added! ;)

2005-11-11 [Balthizar]: thank you

2005-11-13 [bye bye all]: i want to nominate [KimoN]

2005-11-13 [bye bye all]: i wanna also nominate [Thloria]

2005-11-13 [Sunrose]: Thank you :)

2005-11-21 [someelf]: I would like to nominate [sequeena_rae] :3 <3<3

2005-11-21 [Sunrose]: Done! ;)

2005-11-21 [Zab]: I second that nomination! ;P

2005-11-21 [someelf]: XD

2005-11-25 [Melody "Yami" Anizamu]: I would like to nominate [Vameyre].

2005-11-25 [Sunrose]: Okay thanks for the nomination ^^

2005-11-25 [Melody "Yami" Anizamu]: Thank you very much! ^_^

2005-11-30 [--------------- --------]: i want to nominate [out of ere]

2005-11-30 [Zab]: You mean [out of ere] ?

2005-11-30 [--------------- --------]: yep, sorry

2005-11-30 [Fizban]: um, theres nothing in his house...lols

2005-11-30 [Sunrose]: The nomination is not being accepted for the house being empty, for the member being a continuous UAR-violater...and he can't spell Guard right.

2005-12-01 [Fizban]: horrible. Hah! upon further inspection it looks a teeny bit like there hte same person, and one empty house is recomending his other empty house...or from his poitn "this" other empty house...

2005-12-01 [Sunrose]: Seems a very likely possibility..

2005-12-01 [--------------- --------]: exuse me but i am no way conected to [out of ere] apart from him being a good freind at school thankyou

2005-12-01 [Sunrose]: It doesn't change the denial of the nomination though..

2005-12-01 [Fizban]: I suppose it doesnt really matter [--------------- --------], the more important thing in my opinoun would be that you and or your friend branch out in elftown and subseqentially fill your houses with descriptions of yourselves along with all else that represents you, such as artwork that is yours or has some meaning, or your poetry. Not to step on featured member bosses toes here,...and thats simply my opinoun. To me, a big part of the allure of elftown is to constantly improve and adapt your house to yourself, as well as to see how everyone else changes over time as well.

2005-12-01 [Sunrose]: You're not stepping on toes, you are right in what you said :)

2005-12-01 [Fizban]: ^_^, gratzi...

2005-12-02 [--------------- --------]: look, all i want is to nominate my freind, and you for you resons best known to your self wont let me, thanks alot!

2005-12-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Ok, liveordie, you can nominate your friend. The reality is that, considering how poor the house is (lack of... well, pretty much everything) there's not a lot of chances of him winning. But the nomination is accepted.

2005-12-02 [--------------- --------]: thank you thats all i wanted

2005-12-02 [All_Most PUNK]: No prob.

2005-12-03 [Fizban]: No one was stopping you,...and my previous comment about your house was meant as positive advice, not negative criticism.

2005-12-04 [dragonflye]: I want to nominate [Priest Kel]

2005-12-04 [Sunrose]: Noted ;)

2005-12-06 [dragonflye]: thanks!

2005-12-08 [xido]: I'd like to nominate myself, despite how selfish that may seem in initial reaction. No particular reason, I am just hoping to attain a badge for my house one of these years..... Also, I will ask for an answer in msg, since I am not interested in watching this page long-term. Thank you.  x.o)

2005-12-08 [Fizban]: thats a bit lazy, you shoudl at least just watch long enough to find out, you dont have to watch it long term, and plus its less work for the featured member workers to do it here...its your job to come to them, not oppositly. Whatever lols...

2005-12-08 [Sunrose]: The nomination has been noted :)

2005-12-10 [angel dragon]: Oohh I really think [NightTheOwl]'s house is nice

2005-12-10 [Sunrose]: I added the nomination :)

2005-12-10 [angel dragon]: Ok Thanks and it is nice ^_^

2005-12-17 [Melocrie]: I would like to nominate [RiddleRose]^^

2005-12-17 [Sunrose]: Okay, thanks ^^

2005-12-17 [Ihsahn]: I would like to nominated [Katie Staines] she is after all one of the most astounding artists I have met

2005-12-17 [Sunrose]: Alright, thank you for the nomination :)

2005-12-19 [Thunder Cid]: I would like to nominate [Nait].

2005-12-19 [Sunrose]: Thank you ^^

2005-12-24 [~*lil'loststar*~]: I would like to nominate [larry bot!] :)

2005-12-24 [Sunrose]: Noted! :)

2005-12-24 [Fizban]: they only get killed...

2005-12-26 [All_Most PUNK]: What, Fizban?

2005-12-26 [Sunrose]: He refers to the name [larry bot!]... :)

2005-12-26 [All_Most PUNK]: ah, thanks.

2005-12-26 [~*lil'loststar*~]: lol

2005-12-28 [Fizban]: [Lycaon pictus] was a featured member...wowsers, I wonder what went wrong there...:(

2005-12-28 [Sunrose]: Some people decide to leave :)

2005-12-28 [Fizban]: yeah...yeah. I wish there were house versions, so I could see what peoples houses once looked like adn I could save what my house looked like and look over it like a photo album...

2006-01-03 [Whore. Got it?]: Hey i would like to nominate [Diiwica] her house is excelent!

2006-01-03 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2006-01-12 [Kalgo]: I really, really need to reccomend [Jewl] for featured member. She deserves it!

2006-01-12 [Sunrose]: Thanks! :)

2006-01-28 [lacklustre]: Well I would like to nominate [IX.Dollface] for featured member. She keeps her house changed up, interesting and generally entertaining. :3

2006-01-29 [Sunrose]: Okaaaay :)

2006-02-01 [luv-doc]: [Daddy_dano] his is well wkd n full of jokes

2006-02-01 [Sunrose]: ok :)

2006-02-14 [Mr.Scoop]: Is there a place where previous featured members are listed? So that one could have an example to follow?

2006-02-14 [Fizban]: Featured Member Criteria is something you could look to for information on improving your house. 

2006-02-14 [Sunrose]: And the members are listed on Featured member of the week :)

2006-02-14 [Mr.Scoop]: Ok thanks ^^

2006-02-16 [28:06:42:12]: [IX.Dollface] Feature her!

2006-02-17 [Balthizar]: I would like to nominate [raynesprite]

2006-02-17 [Sunrose]: Noted :)

2006-02-27 [Lakayana]: I nominate [LvSha]. She's cool and her house potrays what a real house looks like. It has a sitting room, Dinning and a garden

2006-02-27 [Sunrose]: Noted ^^

2006-03-19 [Corazie]: I'd like to nominate [Toffeejalapenos]. Her house is constantly up-dated and very humerous. Everything is presented neatly and on the whole is a fantastic piece of informative fun! :D

2006-03-19 [Sunrose]: Thanks for the nomation! :)

2006-03-19 [Corazie]: You're Welcome :)

2006-04-03 [Balthizar]: one has been nominated in while.

2006-04-03 [Corazie]: I know... I may nominate someone else...

2006-04-03 [Patri]: Nominate nominate! :-)

2006-04-26 [And her eyes lit up as she saw the dawn]: I want to nominate [BinaryPhoenix] her house is very neat and is interesting. She presents herself and elftown in a good way.

2006-04-26 [Urmando The Elfling]: Yes, I have the same oppinion about [BinaryPhoenix] I want to nominate her too!

2006-04-26 [Sunrose]: Noted! ^^

2006-04-26 [--------------- --------]: i wana nominate [out of ere]

2006-04-26 [someelf]: Nominating yourself XD

2006-04-26 [--------------- --------]: *looks around* maby

2006-04-26 [Sunrose]: Okay :)

2006-04-26 [someelf]: *Wonders when it is her nominations members turn it* ^^

2006-04-26 [Sunrose]: There is no turn, the member is chosen or not..we don't follow the order of nominations and we don't feature everyone who was nominated.. :)

2006-04-26 [someelf]: Shh >.>

2006-04-26 [Balthizar]: I would like to nominate [Lady of Lore]

2006-04-26 [Sunrose]: Done!

2006-04-26 [Balthizar]: Thank you*bows*

2006-05-08 [Keii]: I'd like to nominate [Trennas] - though I'm sure he must have been nominated before. ^^

2006-05-08 [Linderel]: Seconding that.

2006-05-09 [Sunrose]: Noted ^_^

2006-05-09 [Keii]: Thank you! ^^

2006-05-11 [~Lady Morgana~]: A good choice [Keii]! I would like to suggest [moira hawthorne]. She's a great person and a great artist! (She might have been suggested before as well.)

2006-05-11 [Sunrose]: Thanks for the nomination! *^^*

2006-05-12 [~Lady Morgana~]: No need to thank me, I thank you *bows* :D

2006-05-23 [Kileaiya]: Aww, shucks, someone nominated [Trennas] before I could =P

2006-05-23 [Fizban]: I would like to nominate [Dil*]

2006-05-23 [Sunrose]: Thanks! :D

2006-05-23 [Fizban]: No, thankyou ^_^

2006-05-24 [Acceber]: I would like to nominate [sequeena_rae] ^^

2006-05-24 [Linderel]: She's in crew now, and crew members aren't featured... :P

2006-05-24 [Acceber]: She is? I'm an idiot, I didn't even realise :D

2006-05-24 [someelf]: o_o I had nominated her too long time ago, what about that?

2006-05-25 [Sunrose]: Doesn't matter, since we can't feature her anymore :P

2006-05-25 [someelf]: Okay; Just wanted to know ^^

2006-05-25 [Zab]: Is [someelf] nominated? (well, now she is at least ;)

2006-05-25 [Sunrose]: lol, okay :P

2006-05-25 [Zab]: Yay, thanks :P

2006-05-29 [Joakim]: I'd like to nominate [Ferah] because she's such a great girl and a perfect person:)

2006-05-29 [Patri]: thanks for nominating [Ferah]!

2006-05-30 [ditz-chan]: i like to mominate [Drake_11]

2006-05-30 [Patri]: Okay, thanks!

2006-06-11 [NOOOPE]: [Half-Mad Poet] This guy is smart, creative and awesome. Coolest person I've met here so far (no offence everyone else...)

2006-06-12 [Patri]: Thanks for the nomination.

2006-06-15 [Kileaiya]: I'd like to nominate [Delladreing] if she has not been nominated before.

2006-06-22 [Trennas]: Thank you, everybody who has nominated me ^^ I feel really honoured and humble in your presence ^^ (*squeals* I HAVE FAAANSS!!! WEEEHHH!!!*)

2006-06-22 [Trennas]: and, i already hinted her in my interview, I would like to nominate [~Lady Morgana~] because she is a blossom ready to bloom and someone to keep an eye on ;)

2006-06-22 [Sunrose]: Thanks, noted ^_^

2006-06-22 [Trennas]: schweeeee:D

2006-07-01 [spincrus]: [Blasphemous Rumours]. I think she's a very strong candidate :)

2006-07-03 [Patri]: OK, thanks :)

2006-07-03 [Linderel]: Seconded. :o

2006-07-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: i want to nominate [O'saku!]

2006-07-17 [Patri]: If you meant [O'saku], then it's fine :p

2006-07-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: yeah i did mean that lol XD my typo's get me all the time!

2006-07-17 [Patri]: :P

2006-07-17 [Sailor Uranus XD]: i really cant spell properly

2006-07-23 [kabutali]: Hello, I would like to nominate [sprattel_dvaerg]. I was just browsing through houses when I came across his. I thought it was amazing! I have no idea whom this person is but his house left me in awe, that I came strait here to nominate him! I checked who has been a featured member before, he hasn't(shocker to me)! Also his house fits at the criteria too. Maybe even the last one as well. ^.~

2006-07-23 [Sunrose]: He's a Councilmember, he can't be a featured member :)

2006-07-24 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: Funny maybe, we should have featured him, before making him a council member! :P But I guess we should keep count of how many times council members are nominated, and deserve to be featured!! :P

2006-07-24 [Sunrose]: :P

2006-07-25 [kabutali]: Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't think of checking that. ;>>

2006-07-25 [Patri]: No problem at all [kabutali].

2006-07-30 [Corazie]: I'd like to nominate [sequeena_rae] as her house is wonderful. It is constantly up-dated and very pleasing to the eye.

2006-07-30 [Fizban]: Heh, um, [Corazie] you made the same mistake as [kabutali]...Sequeena rae is a member of the elftown council, and is thus ineligable to be a featured member.

2006-09-22 [Fizban]: I'd like to nominate [Mom] because her house seems to be updated with relative frequency, and always in a personal and artistic manner, as well as an organized manner.

2006-09-22 [Patri]: Okay :)

2006-10-03 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: I want to nominate myself, because I am pretty.

-_-; Just kidding... I just felt like to comment silly again to remember old times :p But just this one.

2006-10-05 [All_Most PUNK]: Wow... looks who's alive!

2006-10-06 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: Brand new :D

2006-10-10 [Lady of Lore]: Nominating [Cia_mar]

2006-11-11 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...*bows*...i would wish to nominate [Asalli_Angel] for the featured member...she has been here a while and i belive she deserves it more than anything...

2006-12-12 [~Lady Morgana~]: Hello hello *^.^*
I would like to suggest 2 friends of mine. Both are artists (drawing but also photography) I think both would deserve it to be featured! [Ilana] & [Kitakaze] *^.^*

2006-12-29 [$T0®M]: viva fidel!!

2006-12-29 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: [Mom] should be featured because she always keeps her house clean and interesting.

2006-12-29 [Fizban]: I second that.

2006-12-30 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: I'm actually surprised that she wasn't already featured! I never seen so much organization xD

2006-12-30 [Hiro Kitaki]: too...

2006-12-30 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: She has been noticed, nominated, and added to our lists long before, and will be featured in -hopefully- near future. :)

2006-12-31 [Fizban]: lol yay ^_^

2007-01-28 [Thunder Cid]: I would like to nominate [Jeed] please :)

2007-02-04 [Lycaon pictus]: I would like to Nominate [Rock Thine World], please. His house is clean and simple but as a person he is the most fascinating member I've met. :)

2007-05-07 [Mortified Penguin]: My house is pretty great... how about nominating me?

2007-05-07 [someelf]: You cannot nominate yourself.

2007-05-15 [Balthizar]: I would like to nominate [PureEvilDemon]. Shes a great artist, a kind person, and contains a simple ET house. (Been awhile sinse I last spoke in here^^)

2007-06-09 [Lakayana]: I nominate [Wednesday] she is a great model and she looks appealing

2007-06-09 [Hiro Kitaki]: i nomintate [The Black Cat in Your Path] cause of her art work.

2007-06-20 [Angel In Red]: I nominate [silent_voice] The dude is always there for every on of his elftown friends, is an advice guru, and is totally a a genuis when creating role plays. I believe that he deserves to be noticed. Thankyou.

2007-07-30 [windowframe]: a link back to the Donors index might be useful from this page...

2007-07-30 [Sunrose]: Why? :P

2007-07-30 [windowframe]: because Donors links here. I went to click the link back to donors, and it wasn't there. And I cried. :(

2007-07-30 [Sunrose]: But all Donor-badges are on Donors and none of them are linked back there :P

2007-07-31 [windowframe]: Unless I misunderstand you, (very probable) Yes, the do. O.o At least, Donors of Funds, Donors of art, EG Artists, Donors of Writing and Daily Poet all do. I got bored checking after that. <.<;

2007-07-31 [Sunrose]: They do? :P

2007-07-31 [windowframe]: ...oui. O.o

2007-07-31 [Sunrose]: Oh :P

2007-07-31 [windowframe]: So... can I add a link? :P

2007-07-31 [Sunrose]: You don't have the password hahaha :PP

2007-07-31 [windowframe]: ;_; At least I have a flag. :P

2007-07-31 [Sunrose]: *spanks* :P

2007-08-01 [iippo]: I nominate [there's a bluebird in my heart], because I never find houses awesome, and I did hers. o.O

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